20 Ingenious Garden Hose Storage Concepts

The simple garden hose is the real MVP of the backyard, from keeping plants watered to powering sprinklers and water toys for kids. But for something used so often, it also gets in the way and can create a patio eyesore — or worse a trip hazard.

A hose is an essential part of every yard or garden but can be a nuisance and very unsightly eyesore. DIY garden hose holders are easy to make from repurposed items and make an eyesore worth looking at.

It can be tedious to unwind the garden hose to water the plants in the garden, and then coil it again so that it is not lying tangled in the grass and ruin the beautiful look of your lawn and flower beds.

You have to make sure that it is removed from the lawn so as not to accidentally damage it while mowing grass and moreover, you, your children and pets need to move around the garden safely.

All this means that the watering hose has to be regularly coiled and uncoiled so you need something handy and comfortable. Let’s be honest, inaccurately coiled hoses do not look very attractive, do they?

There are many creative garden hose storage solutions, the market offers a huge variety of accessories which can help you not only keep the hose neatly but make these racks, holders and hangers a decorative element in the exterior.

We’ve rounded up the best garden hose storage solutions to keep your garden hose away from backyard foot traffic and neatly organized for the next job. No tangled cords here.

These garden hose holders have got you covered, from minimal, wall-mounted racks to heavy-duty hose reels on wheels. We even included some hidden garden hose storage for keeping your hose in plain sight without cramping your patio style.

Credit: Pinterest

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