It is no exaggeration to say that birds are skilled wildlife fashionistas.
The Golden-browed Chlorophony lives mainly in Costa Rica and Panama, where the climate is pleasantly warm and muggy.
Source: Guillermo Saborío Vega
The species typically has bright green upper feathers and a yellow underside of its body.
Source: Adriana Dinu
Source: imgur
They have a soft whistle: wheeeeuuu.
Source: anacm.silva
There is an interesting legend about this very special animal.
Source: Chris Hawes
Source: Anthony Kaduck
The golden-browed chlorophony’s favorite foods are tree fruits, including figs and mistletoe berries.
Source: Lucas Bobay
You should pay close attention to this unique bird.
Source: Chris Wood
Source: Secano Fernando Burgalin
What do you think of this stunning green and yellow bird?