Leaked secret documents: Chinese missiles penetrate US defense systems?

Recently leaked classified US intelligence documents not only refer to Ukraine and Russia but also provide a glimpse into China's recent military activities. Notably, according to US media, a document details the test of a super-surfing vehicle…

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Russia’s military strategy makes Ukraine unable to gather enough resources to counterattack?

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky needs a counter-attack to show the West that its support is being used properly, Andrey Marochko said. In his view, the Kiev government must now “answer to the West that money …

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Will Moscow ‘teach NATO a lesson’ through this destructive weapon?

Relations between Moscow and NATO countries continued to deteriorate rapidly. The year 2023 began with disturbing news: NATO decided to send heavy tanks to Ukraine, and it was this Alliance that accepted the admission of Finland – a country with…

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‘Finland joining NATO means Russia lost the Ukraine war, right?’

Dr. Robert E. Kelly, Professor of International Relations in the Department of Political Science at Pusan National University, said in an analysis published in 19FortyFive that it is now understood that Russian President Vladimir Putin has make mistakes in…

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