The 26 Best Trailing Foliage Plants for Hanging Baskets and Window Boxes

1. Red Rhipsalis

Also famous as the Red mistletoe cactus, its deep red-violet semi-succulent foliage can be a stunning addition to the hanging baskets.

2. Coleus

Coleus is one of the best foliage plants, and you can grow it in hanging baskets as well. Learn about the various types of coleus plants here.

3. Peperomia Ruby Cascade

Its leaves carry a combination of two colors – deep green on the top side and ruby-red on the undersides. Growing it in baskets adds a dab of color and texture.

4. Nasturtium

The trailing stems of Nasturtium look perfect while dangling down from containers with pad-like leaves and beautiful bright flowers.

Here are some great Nasturtium benefits and uses

5. Ferns

There are many trailing ferns with beautiful foliage attractions that you can try. Some of them are listed here.

6. Dichondra Silver Falls

Siver Falls Dichondra has unique, silver pale-green trailing leaves that look pretty in hanging baskets. It’s a fast-growing plant.

7. Sweet Potato Vine

Sweet potato vines spill marvelously over the sides of containers with heart-shaped or oak-like leaves having colors from chartreuse to nearly black.

8. Creeping Charlie

The pale green leaves of this plant have an unusual heart-kidney shape that gives it an interesting look while they dangle on the trailing stems.

9. Fuchsia

With a fabulous color combination of green and yellow striped foliage, this plant is a true eye-catcher.

10. Creeping Jenny

‘Aurea’ beautifully cascades with its small rounded leaves having wavy borders and thin trailing stems. It is also a winner of the Royal Horticultural Society Award of Merit.

11. Jade Vine

Looking stunning in turquoise color, which is the result of malvin and saponarin pigments in its leaves. The plant grows gorgeous hanging stems making it a must-grow trailing vine.

Read more about 12 Beautiful Golden Plants for Hanging Baskets here

12. Licorice Plant

The cascading ‘Helichrysum Petiolare’ features small felt-like blue-gray trailing foliage that gracefully arches over containers or hanging baskets.

13. Parrot’s Beak

‘Parrot’s Beak’ is a trailing perennial with exotic, bright crimson flowers and silver-gray needle-like leaves. It makes for an ideal annual plant for hanging baskets.

Have a look at some Stunning Flowers that Look Like Birds in our article here

14. Pothos

Popularly known as devil’s ivy, heart-shaped and glossy leaves in the green shade with yellow or cream blotches cascade marvelously in hanging baskets or containers in rooms.

Here are some of the best pothos to grow indoors

15. Philodendron

This trailing beauty shows off heart-shaped green leaves that drape exquisitely over windowsills, bookshelves, and hanging baskets.

Here is everything you need to know about growing Philodendron

16. Wojo’s Gem Periwinkle

Also known as trailing vinca, it has shiny oval leaves in a cream-yellow shade and matching lavender-blue flowers, which create a dazzling contrast when it trails from containers.

17. Spider Plant

Spider plant grows fast and produces baby plants that dangle pleasingly from hanging baskets. It also removes airborne pollutants from the air, making it a great indoor plant.

Check out some excellent spider plant benefits here

18. String of Turtles

This slow-growing succulent vine has an attractive set of fleshy button-like leaves with white veins that look plump, like they are full of water.

19. Inch Plant

Tradescantia has some amazing trailing plants with beautiful foliage, and it would be a mistake if we mention just one. Check out some of the best varieties here.

20. String of Pearls

A cascading succulent, it truly lives up to its name with fleshy, bright-green plump leaves that look like spherical, marble-like rows of little balls. Can be a great indoor plant too!

21. Sweet Caroline Purple

Botanical Name: Ipomoea batatas ‘Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Purple’

This can be a great colorful addition to the summer baskets or containers with its dark burgundy-purple color and texture with an interesting pattern of leaves.

22. Turtle Vine

The leaves of this succulent come in twin colors, with a shade of green above and a slight hue of purple below that gives it a contrasting look.

23. Burro’s Tail

Display the beautiful, lush foliage of Burro’s Tail in window boxes. It will be more than happy to thrive in direct sunlight all day long.

24. Rope Hoya

Rope Hoya is another sought-after variety of the wax plant that displays deep glossy, green leaves that are twisted and curled into draping, thick vines.

Know everything about 24 DIY Rope Plant Hanger Ideas here

25. Cherry Tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes are cute little plants that you can easily grow on a sunny window box. The best part is that you will have a steady and fresh supply for your kitchen all the time!

Bonus! Here are plants that have stunning foliage with flowers to match. They will look great on a window box or a hanging basket.

26. Black-Eyed Susan

The Black-Eyed Susan looks impressive with white, yellow, lively orange blossoms with dark centers. This tender perennial is typically grown as an annual.

Learn about the 20 Best Flowering Houseplants in our post here!

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